emilia kazarian

D.D.S., Maxillo – Facial Surgeon. Graduated in 2009 from First State Medical University Moscow, Russia.
Certified in maxillofacial surgery at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in 2012 and finished post-graduated program in Federal State Institute of Postgraduate Education, Dep. of Defense of Russian Federation.
Lecturer for the University of Milan, published papers on periodontal microsurgery. Inventor of the 3D-tunneling surgical technique.
Since 2019 speaker in iPerio Educational annual programs with the main topic on Periodontal Microsurgical techniques and interdental soft-tissue regeneration.
High aesthetic view and artistic vision of dental photography.
Private practice in Moscow, Piacenza and Milano as an oral surgeon, implantologist, periodontist, and in facial aesthetics medicine.

Meet Dr. Kazarian at Level 2. SURGICAL MASTERCLASS with the lecture on:
◾️Tunneling and CTG harvesting techniques;
◾️Role of microsurgical approach in periodontal regeneration and mucogingival surgery;
◾️ Implant treatment from periodontal point of view,
◾️and hands on training with operative microscopes.
◾️ Interproximal soft-tissue regeneration, 3D tunneling technique;
◾️Periimplantites, main role and step by step development of correct emergency profile around dental implants.
Incontra dott.sa Kazarian in CORSO ANNUALE DI PARODONTOLOGIA (Modulo 5/6) con la lezione sulle
◾️ tecniche a tunnel e la Microchirurgia,
◾️ la terapia implantare vista con gli occhi parodontali, gestione dei tessuti molli vicino agli impianti, profilo di emergenza,
◾️e hands-on con microscopio operativo su microchirurgia.